Our services

We work with organisations and newly formed organisations that want to deliver their youth programmes or projects from consultation to outreach.

Work also with funders who would like us to deliver the above services to Community organisations at Ward, Borough or City level.

The team at Change in Youth have both public sector and voluntary sector experience.

Change in Youth was originally formed because in our day jobs, we saw many talented individuals and organisations who were doing great work but did not have the capacity to capture and evidence their great work.

We offer a consultancy service where we are able to look at your organisation or project and help you find efficient ways of capturing what you need to tell your story. Sometimes it can be small changes in the way you work or the setup of the programme that can save you both time and money.

Capacity BuildinG for Community Organisations

Youth Projects

We deliver a range of bespoke youth projects that can be delivered independently or as part of a project programme. Click the titles for more information

positive id

 A 6 week project where the young person goes on a journey to understand who they are, where they are from and what are their strengths.

Detached & Outreach Mentoring

Detached work can provide informal education by bringing information to young people, listening and hearing their needs and creating projects which support them.

mind like a pro

Mind like a pro is a 12 week programme in which we prepare young people to have the mindset of a professional using football

We want to encourage international projects with the young people we work with. The world is bigger than London or the UK. We are looking for form relationships with colleagues across the world to build connections, share experiences and develop international programmes for people globally.

global citizen

Sexual health Awareness Outreach

Our sexual health awareness project is a targeted detached and outreach programme designed to advise and signpost young people to local services

The Change in Youth team doesn’t just work with Community Organisations, and we’re excited to take much of what we’ve learnt about understanding and motivating people to achieve great things, to the world of business. As with all of the work that we do, we’re rooted in understanding human behaviour, what motivates and drives peolple and

Capacity BuildinG for business

The Business Tree

A 1 -2 day Reflective and grounding workshop for better business performance and strategy