Detached and outreach mentoring

Detached youth work takes place in areas young people feel most comfortable such as on the street, in parks and around their neighbourhood. Detached work can provide informal education by bringing information to young people, listening and hearing their needs and creating projects which support them. By going out to places where young people spend time, detached youth work can build an understanding of the issues that young people experience and help to create safer places in the areas that young people hang out.

Outreach youth work aims to engage with young people in the local community. Youth workers will inform young people of services that exist in their area and encourage them to use the services and engage in centre-based activities. Youth workers talk with young people to identify gaps in services or what they want offered in youth centres so that activities and projects can be designed to meet their interests or need

We can deliver a flexible, bespoke detached and outreach service in the community with an option to include a follow up one to one support.